Friday, 22 May 2015

Homestay in Coorg

Questions worth asking before paying for Homestays in Coorg

Homestay in Coorg are all about interacting with the host family. Therefore, before paying for the homestay, if this is part of the arrangement, enquire whether the family shall be present throughout or not. In certain arrangements, the host family might choose to reside in a different location for the duration of the guest’s homestay. In such a case, this would not be a homestay in the true meaning of the word. If the guest is paying for the experience of sharing a home with the resident family, then he has every right to insist that the family be present throughout the duration of his stay.

The guest ought to enquire if the host family has access to Internet. If the guest needs to communicate constantly with the friends and family as well as workmates or schoolmates that he left behind, Internet connectivity would need to be part of the amenities to which he is entitled. On the other hand, when the guest has no obligation to stay in touch with any person he left behind, then access to Internet would not be a matter of life and death. The guest is free to ask if the family has television. This is important to a guest who wants to keep abreast with all that is happening around the world, or merely for entertainment purposes.

Next, the guest shows his interest in the homestay by asking whether the host family expects him to take meals with them. If the family expects him to be present during all meals, the guest should ask if this shall cost him more. More importantly, guests are right to ask if they are the only ones who shall be paying for the homestays in Coorg. If the host family has more than one visitor, they should inform the guest. Ideally, the homestay should involve the host family and the guest alone. This information helps the guest to plan. It provides guests with information regarding the number of people who shall be sharing the bathroom, and other similar details.

Finally, the closeness of the homestead to the public transportation ought to interest the guest. Ideally, the guest should stay in a home that is as close to public transportation as possible. The guest should ask about booking fees, in case he has to book the homestay through an agency. Guests ought to ask questions that shall provide them with answers regarding the minimum and maximum number of days they should make use of this arrangement. Guests should ask about reviews from which they can check about the homestay services they are about to pay for, before parting with their money.

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Saturday, 9 May 2015

Homestay in Coorg

How to ensure that Guests enjoy their Homestays in Coorg

Many times, homestay in Coorg are better than staying at a hotel when on holiday. Initially, the host might consider the whole experience a bit unsettling. However, as he continues staying with the guest, the experience becomes normal. The host and his guess grow familiar with each other, thus leading to a more comfortable experience. For the host, ensuring that the guest enjoys his time during the homestay is a matter of great importance. With proper approach and correct planning, the entire experience can be enjoyable not only to the guests, but also the Coorg host who has opened up his house for the homestay.

Paranoia and fear never work well for the homestays. Being careful is very different from being paranoid. Paranoia can make the guest and host to grow too fearful of each other to a point of developing a sort of paralysis. Therefore, to avoid falling into such a devastating cycle, it would be much better to perform a bit of background check on the individual in need of the homestay. Ask the organization or institution arranging the homestay for details regarding the guest. Be upfront with the organization. Let the organization know that hosting a stranger is not easy, hence the need for some background information to remove all the doubts.

The homestay guest needs a bit of space and some level of privacy. Do not deny him the privacy and space that he needs. The host should never be afraid to include the homestay guest in his family activities. After all, the homestay guest needs to learn the local traditions and culture. The best way for him to learn is through active participation in family activities. However, find a perfect balance between participation in family activities and providing him the privacy that he needs. Provide the guest with the opportunity to feel part of the family. The host ought to be sincere and encouraging in his approach and the manner in which he invites the homestay guest.

If the home has Internet connectivity, allow the guests to use the online tools to communicate with his friends and family. If the guest so desires, the host can be with him when communicating with the family back home. Ask the guest about any allergies that he might have. If he is allergic to pets, find a way of handling this issue. The host ought to be as welcoming, warm and friendly as possible. The first day is not for discussing payments and other house rules. Let the guests enjoy their first day of homestays in Coorg. The host ought to provide the homestay guest with his phone numbers and home address on the first day.